Peculiarities of a Litho-Review for a Master's Thesis
The analysis of thematic scientific sources selected for writing a master's thesis, in the literary review, should be a structured material, which makes it possible to exclude the possibility of re-performing existing works and losing the criterion of scientific novelty.
Literary review, in which the main emphasis is on a detailed disclosure of the provisions of the works selected for study, will be recognized as incorrect. It is important to mention works (monographs, abstracts, scientific articles) that directly reveal the theoretical facets of the topic. Materials from the Internet and other publications can be used as auxiliary sources.
It is worth pointing out the opinions of domestic and foreign scientists. The approximate design of a literary review includes several basic elements (title page, table of contents, list of abbreviations, main part, list of sources), the composition and volume of which may vary.
Information sources should present materials from different scientific schools, opinions on the topic of different scientists. The main task of the author is to identify less studied issues. A small amount of information sources on the topic indicates insufficient knowledge of the issue under study, which guarantees a significant degree of novelty of the dissertation research.
There are several rules for writing a quality literature review. It is worth carefully studying them and using them in your work. In graduate school, almost from the first days, it is necessary to search for thematic articles. In order not to lose the thematic source, it is worth downloading and saving it on disk, indicating the name and author in the signature. Failure to download may result in the loss of interesting information.
The read article requires an abstract, one's own, created on the basis of the information read and evaluated in terms of the topic under consideration, and one's own selection of keywords. For the convenience of maintaining bibliographic records, it is worth using specialized programs, which, by the way, can format references, adapting old material to new requirements (JabRef).
To achieve a complete review of thematic literature, you need to search, download and analyze feature articles with their own lists of references, which, in turn, are worth browsing and analyzing. When, following the results of reading the selected articles, the author does not find new articles and surnames, then the limit has been reached, at which it is worth suspending the further search for information sources, and start the process of building a chronology and distributing authors by school.
More resources:
How to Write a Concept
Improvement of Research in the Article
Article Structure
What Is Research in Scientific Work
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